Advent Offering Goal:  $650,000

Dates:  December 2023 - January 2024

Cause:   Paying off our land!

It has been our tradition at the end of the year to give a special offering to bless those outside the walls of our church. This year, as we start our building campaign, our focus is now to actually get our walls built!

Our goal with this advent offering is to reach our first milestone of paying the land off completely. We need $650,000 to accomplish this goal. We’ve already had $110,000 pledged, which leaves $540,000. We recognize this is a BIG GOAL, but if we can achieve it, we would own our land DEBT FREE,  and we would have a huge head start on our total goal of $1.6M over the next two years. 

We are also designating $5,000 from the offering to go towards the Help and Hope Center here in Douglas County.  While this is a small percentage of our offering goal, it will provide some tangible help for folks in need here in our community.

The advent offering runs from the beginning of December through the end of January. Click the link below to give online.

If you have any questions, feel free to email the elders at


Pastor Tim Salters

Join the cause

If you would like to give to the Advent Offering. Click the link below and select “Advent Offering Land Purchase“ from the drop down menu. Thank you for your generosity and willingness to give to our church’s mission.