Greeters welcoming people inside for service

SERVING For M.O.r.e.

Join us in making a difference in Douglas County and beyond. By serving, you do MORE than just support our church—you can create meaningful connections, grow in your relationship with God and impact MORE lives with the gospel.

Foundry has serving opportunities for everyone. Check them out here:

Why Serve?

  • Serving Helps you Grow

    God wants to change our hearts in ways that can happen only when we are meeting the needs of others. When we set aside our own wants to help others, we choose a posture of humility. God does amazing work in our hearts at those times. Serving is one of the best ways to grow your faith--it is another way that we can help you start where you are.


    Friendship is one of the rich treasures of life. Look for an opportunity where you can serve with other people at specific times. You'll see the same people each time and can become friends as you serve together—because you already have something in common.


    We can help you find ways to serve that will match your time availability, interests, and commitment level. If the first one you try doesn't seem to fit you well, we'll be glad to help you try another. You can step out of a serving opportunity just as easily as you stepped in—we promise.

Serving Outside Our Walls

  • Joshua Station

    We are excited to invite you to join a fun and important serving opportunity with Joshua Station, a supportive housing program for family coming out of homelessness.

    Click the button below to learn more and get involved.

  • Celebrate Recover - Douglas County Jail

    Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.