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fall D-GROUPs

fall D-GROUP

WHAT: Sodas, Snacks, Games & Great Discussions

WHEN: Wednesday from 6:30-8 PM

WHERE: DCS Montessori, 311 Pines Parkway


Exile. Away from home. Separated from love and support.

In the halls of public schools and the pixels of social media, Christianity isn’t the default. In many cases, it’s not even viewed positively.

How can teens remain faithful in a world of exile?

The book of Daniel may be the most important book for Christian teens to know and understand, outside of the gospels. In it, a group of young people humbly and courageously stand against the pressure of an immoral society. They see miracles and visions and come face to face with the Ancient of Days, all while passing a series of tests to their faith.

Join us for a 6 week study where we learn how to be faithful in exile.

Aug 23 Vegetable Test (DANIEL 1): Will you stand faithful against social pressure?

Aug 30 Fire Test (DANIEL 3): Will you stand against idols?

Sep 6 Werewolf Test (DANIEL 4): Will you become like a beast?

Sep 13 Handwriting Test (DANIEL 5): Will you interpret and obey God’s written words?

Sep 20 Lion Test (DANIEL 6): Will you face the lions?

Sep 27 Ancient of Days Test (DANIEL 7-12): Will you be faithful to God’s kingdom?

September 10


September 20

fall D-GROUPs